To School and Back

To School and Back ( Published in Night and Day Anthology by New Island Books 2008)

(for Martha)


Your second year already

And my first as your daily guide.

Your little hand in mine,

We walk the quarter mile in silence,

Just two amid a stream of others,

Part of the crowd, but separate.


In the yard the children

Form straight lines and wait

In expectation of the class;

The first constraint – the first sign

Of the hand of man upon the face of God

After the fall in Eden.


I watch your peerless image fade,

Eclipsed by Plato’s puppet forms.

A door closes (perhaps another opens

Somewhere in return), and you are gone.

The morning’s mine to think of you

And wait till half past one.


I hear the angels’ voices rise and fall,

Benediction through an open window.

And then a sudden tumult, an energy released,

The angels beat their wings upon the glass

Until the gates of heaven open and you are there

Before me, smiling, telling me your life.


Your little hand in mine,

We walk the quarter mile in silence,

Just two amid a stream of others,

Part of the crowd, but separate.

You run ahead when we attain our street,

The fallen leaves are gold stars at your feet.


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